Prashant Gokarn

Prashant Gokarn
Prashant Gokarn

Prior to venturing into entrepreneurship, Prashant was the Chief Digital and Strategy Officer for 5 years at PT Indosat Tbk., one of the leading telecom operators in Indonesia. Previously Prashant has held various positions including President (3G), Reliance Communications, India, for 3 years, prior to which he was a Partner in the media and telecom advisory firm, Spectrum Value Partners, London where he was based for 9 years. Prashant is an MBA from the India Institute Management (IIM) and Bachelor of Technology from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT).

Prashant has extensive operations, business strategy and start up experience across Asia, Europe and Latin America. He has run mobile, fixed line and pay TV operations, has set up and run new fiber broadband and mobile 3G businesses as well as set up a number of digital operations including mobile financial services, mobile advertising and e-Commerce businesses. He set up and ran Indosat’s venturing initiatives – including the accelerator, IdeaBox, and the Softbank-Alibaba-Indosat Venture Capital (VC)

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