Taiico Life Advisors

Taiico Life Advisors
Taiico Life Advisors

Taiico Life Advisors was created on January 18th, 2018 under the legal name “T&M2, Life Advisors, Agente de Seguros. During the following two years, Taiico widened its reach by providing advice on every possible insurance product in the market. Taiico´s reach goes beyond Mexican borders.

Currently, Taiico has established relationships with more than 20 insurance companies in Mexico and around the globe. Currently, Taiico is formed by two insurance agents, one Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), one Civil Society (CS) and one corporation. All together Taiico takes the best attributes from every organization to create a solid strategy to provide value to the society. Taiico has been growing more than 100% each year.

This couldn’t be possible without the support of all the people that make Taiico a reality. Furthermore, Taiico strives to break the current status of the Mexican insurance industry. To make this possible, Taiico has created Plauto´s Character. Plauto´s helps the Mexican society by teaching key financial planning concepts in a simple way. Plauto also keeps a close relationship with all Taiico´s clients and agents.

Plauto represents Taiico´s values. Currently, Plauto is becoming an IA that is integrated into our CRM to provide real-time information to all tour clients. In this way, Plauto is becoming a financial ally that can provide his support anytime.

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