Sasidhar Thumuluri

Sasidhar Thumuluri, MD & CEO Sub-K IMPACT Solutions Ltd
Sasidhar Thumuluri, MD & CEO Sub-K IMPACT Solutions Ltd

Sasidhar Thumuluri is MD & CEO Sub-K IMPACT Solutions Ltd and has more than two decades of financial inclusion and capital markets experience in 20+ countries. He started his professional journey at BASIX, an Indian financial inclusion pioneer, and went on to pursue a career on global platform in impact investments, business strategy and technical advisory at MicroVest Capital Management, Habitat for Humanity International and
International Financial Corporation, before rejoining BASIX group to run Sub-K which facilitates access to financial services for the underbanked by leveraging the power of technology and hyperlocal distribution network.

He serves on the board of Business Correspondents Federation of India, Fintech Task Force of MFIN and advisory board for Center for Analytical Finance of Indian School of Business. Sasi has earned two masters’ degrees from Princeton University and Indian Institute of Forest Management and bachelor’s from Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University.

He has also completed Accelerated Development Program from Chicago Booth School of Business and SEED Transformation Program from Stanford Graduate School of Business.