Michael Azevedo

Michael Azevedo, Director, Partner Solutions at SavvyMoney
Michael Azevedo, Director, Partner Solutions at SavvyMoney

Michael Azevedo is the Director of Partner Solutions for Savvy Money. He is a native Californian and received his undergraduate business degree from Sonoma State and his Masters of Business Administration from the University of Southern California. Michael spent, what he calls chapter one of his career, in the financial services industry in a variety of capacities centered around lending products and processes. In chapter two of this career, he focuses on helping financial institutions engage consumers with a meaningful and data-driven approach.

His professional experience centers on a grounded, holistic, and consumer-centric approach that emphasizes consumer lending, financial wellness, and digital engagement. Michael considers himself a student of consumer lending behaviors and is devoted to helping financial institutions take the needed steps to provide the most effective and seamless digital experience possible to their consumers.