Cecilia Wong

Cecilia Wong
Cecilia Wong

Cecilia Wong is a blockchain, Web3, and crypto enthusiast with a strong background in DeFi, NFTs, and emerging technologies. She is also known as a yourPRstrategist specializing in public relations for Web3 and blockchain projects.

Having studied at New York University, Cecilia is based in Singapore and has a broad network with 4,367 followers and over 500 connections. Her passion lies in all things creative and community-driven, along with a keen interest in various topics such as socio-politics, music, technology, economics, arts, culture, and history.

She is dedicated to working on projects that focus on improving communities and the world at large through innovative business models and infrastructure platforms. As an early believer in the token economy, Cecilia has been accepting crypto and native token payments from clients since the beginning. She advocates for access-for-all, decentralized and transparent governance, and believes in the power of zero-knowledge (ZK) technologies for the future. Cecilia is committed to supporting impactful projects and initiatives that contribute to a better world.