Carl Ward

Carl Ward
Carl Ward

Carl is working with Customs organizations across the region to digitize trade supply chains, facilitating trade and managing compliance. This includes developing a Blockchain enabled a regulatory network that links trade across jurisdictions and connects services. The digital trade framework seeks to create a government-sponsored service that promotes digital connectivity across the ecosystem.
Smart Cities

Carl has worked with cities across Australia, Asia and the Middle East to develop smart city architectures that drive improvements in service to the community and save costs for the government authorities. This has included creating a platform of platforms model to connect vertically integrated smart city solutions – providing a model that enables new innovations across the ecosystem and insight to govern and operate the entire city.
Digital Police

Carl is working with police agencies to take advantage of digital technologies to improve public safety. This includes mobile technologies that support the police in the field with alerts, guides and insight; the use of video analytics and facial recognition to understand and manage threats; and the use of intelligence systems with social monitoring to address risks.

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