Erik Becker

Erik Becker
Erik Becker

About Erik

Erik Becker is an experienced professional in the field of corporate development, currently serving as the Senior Vice President at Urjanet. With a strong background in building technology companies, Erik has played a vital role in leading organizations through various stages of growth, from startup to IPO and acquisition.

At Urjanet, Erik is dedicated to not only building a successful business but also leveraging technology to promote sustainability and support financial inclusion initiatives worldwide. By digitizing and automating data from over 6,500 utilities and telecommunication companies globally, Urjanet contributes to advancing the business objectives of top companies across the globe. Through the use of advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence, Erik and his team are focused on transforming the digital economy by empowering lenders to extend credit safely to underbanked individuals, facilitating secure identity verification, and promoting sustainable practices for corporate profitability and environmental benefit.

On a personal level, Erik enjoys playing tennis and golf in his free time and is actively involved in serving on the board of the Cherokee Town & Country Club. A dedicated family man, Erik humorously shares that what keeps him up at night is his daughter being out on a date past curfew.

Erik’s leadership style is characterized by principles such as effective communication, transparency, making data-driven decisions quickly, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and relishing the journey towards success. He values listening attentively, being open and constructive, and putting in the hard work required to achieve goals while also taking time to enjoy life’s moments.

If you are in need of assistance or collaboration, Erik encourages you to reach out to him directly at [email protected] or visit the Urjanet website at Additionally, you may contact him at (404) 307-6130.

With his wealth of experience, dedication to innovation, and commitment to making a positive impact, Erik Becker continues to stand out as a leading figure in the corporate development landscape.

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About Urjanet:

Urjanet unlocks the power of utility invoice and interval data by connecting to a global network of over 6,000 electric, natural gas, water, and waste providers, and delivering aggregated, normalized information to meet an organization’s exact utility data needs. We simplify how organizations access and use utility data, enabling you to focus on your business. For more information, visit

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