
Invesbareng is a Digital Liquidity Management Platform that empowers people to invest together in any private company across the world with a single touch of a phone. aims to disrupt the traditional capital markets through hyper-curated projects, superior, and seamless customer experience, along with social engagement feedback loops, which placed it atop of other similar platforms.

The platform facilitates investors, companies, as well as existing shareholders. It allows the individual investors to have the opportunity to invest in private companies, diversify their investment risk, and easy access to financial information while allowing the companies access to a new source of funds. For existing stock-holders, it provides liquidity of private stock along with managing and tracking stock prices.

Indonesia will be the first market to witness the launch of this platform, soon in 2020. The platform is set to be Asia’s first digital venture capital “operating system” allowing a superior customer experience, frictionless process, and scalability. It consists of Customer Experience Layer, Operation Management Layer, and Investment Intelligence Layer that will transform heavy administrative work, time-consuming due diligence, and high-cost investment product into a fully digital experience, fast, and light cost investment product.

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