Nathan Adamson


About Radtab:

Radtab is a payment technology that provides mobile solutions at nightclubs, bars, and restaurants.  Radtab allows customers to open, view, & close their tab directly from the iOS & Android app.  When using Radtab customers no longer have to wait to open or close their tab; In addition they have the ability to monitor their current tab in real time and can tip and pay when they are ready.  Our software bridges the gap between smartphones and a venue’s POS machine, which in turn brings greater convenience to the customers and provides the bar staff with the ability to process 30% more tickets during peak hours, which drastically increases volume and revenue for the bar owner, but more importantly helps their venue with real-time chargeback protection and multiple points of fraud protection built within our Venue Owner Dashboard. All possible with no changes in POS setup, hardware, merchant gateway and processor, or training for staff.  Radtab also offers Apple Pay and Gpay as payment options for EMV and pay at the table setups. Radtab is bringing innovation to hospitality one bar tab at a time.

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